General Information
Select services
After choosing the apartment you like, sign a preliminary purchase and sale agreement. Pay in advance within five days. |
Download the YIT PLUS app to keep track of the construction process and get the most important notifications about your newly built home.
After receiving a notification about construction completion, come to see and evaluate the work done. This must be done within fifteen days from the date of receiving the notification. |
After signing the deed of work completion, go to the bank to sign an apartment loan agreement. |
When you arrive to the notary, sign the main purchase and sale agreement. This is where we will hand you the keys from your new home! |
It's time to announce that the home is finally yours! Register them at the SE Centre of Registers or request this service at a notary's office. |
When the bank finally settles accounts with us, remember to take a certificate about it from us and submit it to the SE Centre of Registers. |
Then, all you have to do is sign contracts with the public utility suppliers (electricity, water, heating). We will inform you by a separate message when you will be able to do that. |
You are now ready to create unforgettable moments in your new home!