Social responsibility

Social responsibility


We are YIT Lietuva JSC, one of the largest construction services and real estate development companies in Lithuania. We are a socially responsible business. This is reflected in our daily activities, our values and in our renewed company strategy. Our activities are carried out in a transparent manner and our construction work is conducted responsibly. 

We believe in social responsibility. It is our duty to ensure the quality of the work and services we offer, protect the environment, work safety, support those who are less well-off and create a better living environment for all of us. We want future generations to be proud of us. That is why we encourage the sustainable urban development of cities, long-term solutions, openness to innovation and smart working methods. 


The employees of the “YIT Lietuva” corporate group are subject to strict evaluation of the quality of their work, preservation of the surroundings, safety on the construction site and the safeguarding of their health.

The Integrated Quality, Environmental, Occupational Safety and Health management system, which is in accordance with ISO 9001:2015/ LST EN ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015/ LST EN ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018/ LTS ISO 45001:2018 standards are implemented throughout our companies and ensure our compliance with the mentioned principles.

We are honest and publicly declare our dedication to the policies of quality, environmental and occupational safety and health.